Curriculum – Lawyer Alessandro Bartoli Ciancaleoni Avvocato Alessandro Bartoli Ciancaleoni

1994: Diploma of technical-commercial maturity at the Commercial Technical Institute “R. Bongos “of Assisi, address for programmers (IGEA Project)

2000 – 2003: collaborates with the defensive pool composed of n. 7 lawyers for an important criminal case pending before the Court of Siena, concerning issues of Commercial Criminal Law, on behalf of a well-known Sienese entrepreneur as a party offended in the same proceedings

13 dicembre 2002: Degree in JURISPRUDENCE at the University of Perugia, Faculty of Law: Subject of the thesis “THE RIGHT PROCESS AND THE COURT CONSTITUTIONAL”, at the chair of Criminal Procedure, Prof. Alfredo Gaito

2003 – 2004: beginning of the collaboration with the “PETRU MAJOR” University of Targu Mures (Romania) for the post-graduate course for “INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE JURIST” lasting no. 4 semesters, where he / she is employed as the person in charge of the INFORMATICA GIURIDICA Course, as well as a collaborator of the chair of ITALIAN COMMERCIAL LAW and COMPARATIVE COMMERCIAL LAW

2003 – 2004: for the same post-university course, long distance also deals with the preparation of the lecture notes for the aforementioned study courses, in addition to those for the courses “INTERNATIONAL FINANCE”, “MANAGEMENT” and “MARKETING”

2003 – 2004: participates in various conferences on commercial law, with particular attention to the reinterpretation of the subject in the light of new technologies

2004: beginning of the collaboration with the Department of Commercial Law (Prof. Francesco Crisi) at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Perugia, Specialized Degree Course in Tourism Economics, decentralized office in Assisi

2004: beginning of the collaboration with the Department of Commercial Law (Prof. Francesco Crisi) at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Perugia, Degree Course in Business Administration and Administration, Terni

2005 – 2009: signing various contracts with the University of Perugia – Interchange of Economics and Business Administration – Faculty of Economics and Business Administration – Headquarters of Terni, for teaching support activities for the Commercial Law Course ( Prof. Francesco Crisi), also realized in a series of seminars on “THIRD MILLENNIUM COMMERCIAL LAW”, concerning parallels between the main commercial law institutes and the new technologies

Marzo 2005: he is a member of the Computer Commission established at the Perugia Bar Association

Giugno 2005: he successfully completed the “LEX PROJECT” specialization master of EXA PROFESSIONAL – SYSTEMES ECOLOGIQUES S.c.a.r.l. c / o Villa Montesca – Città di Castello (PG), sponsored by the European Union, European Social Fund, Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, Region of Umbria, Province of Perugia, for the following courses: “LEGAL ASPECTS OF INFORMATION “And” LEGAL INFORMATICS “

Luglio 2005: beginning of the collaboration with the online legal magazine

Gennaio 2006: he completed the Master’s degree in specialization for “CONSULTANT FOR ELECTRONIC COMMERCE AND TELEMATIC TRANSACTIONS” of Umbra Dati Srl, sponsored by the European Union, European Social Fund, Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, Region of Umbria

Febbraio 2006: beginning of the collaboration with the Italian Legal Association as Head of the Legal Information Observatory (O.L.I.) sector available at the web address

Febbraio 2006 e seguenti: draft some publications and slides in the field of Integrated Commercial Law with subjects of Computer Law for the Legal Observatory of the Italian Legal Association

Febbraio 2006: it is Privacy Former ANCITEL (the main technostructure of the National Association of Italian Municipalities – ANCI) for the Municipalities of central Italy

Maggio 2006: he is a member of the CSIG (Center for Informatics Juridical Studies), Section of Perugia

Giugno 2006: publishes an article entitled “THE ELECTRONIC INVOICE: THE PASSAGE FROM ANALOGUE TO DIGITAL” on various specialized websites

Settembre 2006: brilliantly passed the examination for certification to the legal profession

Dicembre 2006: he is a speaker at the conference “INFORMATICA E TELEMATICA AT THE SERVICE OF THE LEGAL STUDY” sponsored by the Council of the Order of Lawyers of Perugia, C.S.I.G. (Centro Studi Informatica Giuridica), A.I.G.A. (Italian Association of Young Lawyers), A.L.I. (Italian Legal Association)

2007: participates in various conferences on Civil, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law

2007: signing a contract for the provision of occasional self-employment with the University of Perugia – Interchange of Economics and Administration of Businesses – Faculty of Economics and Business Administration – Headquarters of Terni, for teaching support activities for the Course of Commercial Law (Prof. Francesco Crisi)

2008: participates in various conferences on Civil, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law

2008: signs a contract for the provision of occasional self-employment with the University of Perugia – Business and Business Administration – Faculty of Economics and Business Administration – Seat of Terni, for teaching support activities for the Commercial Law Course (Prof. Francesco Crisi)

2009: participates in various conferences on Civil, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law

from 2009 to date: has carried out and carries out external assistance and consultancy regarding Privacy and Treatment of personal data at primary Companies and Professional Studies in Umbria

2010: signing a contract for the provision of self-employed professional work with the University of Perugia – Interchange of Economics and Business Administration – Faculty of Economics and Business Administration – Headquarters of Terni, for teaching support activities for the Commercial Law Course (Prof. Francesco Crisi)

2010: start of voluntary collaboration with the Professor of Commercial Law of Prof. Laura Schiuma at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Perugia

2011: complete with success the Course for Professional Mediators organized by I.C.P. – Istituto conciliazioni Perugia (Local office of A.R.Net S.R.L.), in Corso Cavour n. 13 Perugia C.F. 03177180548

2012: start of voluntary collaboration with the professorship of Commercial Law of Prof. Luigi Farenga at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce of the University of Perugia

2012/2017: participates in various conferences on Civil, Commercial and Bankruptcy Law

2017: beginning of collaboration Volunteer at the Department of Commercial Law of Prof. Luigi Farenga at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome

15 February 2018: acquires the certification of competence n. DPO2303 with the KHC Certification Body (Know How Certification srl) in compliance with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17024:2012 (View the Certificate of Competence)

Currently: carries out the Legal profession in Perugia, Assisi and the Web mainly in the following professional areas: Civil Law, Commercial Law, Industrial, Banking, Bankruptcy Law, Contracts, Privacy Consulting, Criminal Law, Commercial Criminal Law, Business Consulting

Areas of Interest: Legal, Commercial, IT-Legal

HOBBIES: Music, Informatics and to challenge the disputes on the road

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Alessandro Bartoli Ciancaleoni